Digital Dentistry
Current options in different disciplines - Future perspectives - Benefit for the patient
1st EAED Virtual Meeting
(open to Members, Affiliates and Guests) | May 27-29, 2021
Additional small adaptions on the program might be expected due to the new fully virtual format setting. Updates will be published regularly on the website.The Scientific Committee

Prof. Markus Hürzeler
EAED President 2019-2021

Prof. Daniel Edelhoff
Scientific Chairman &
Main Moderator EAED 2021

PD Dr. Jan-Frederik Güth
Co-Chairman EAED 2021
Thursday, May 27th
17:15 - 20:00 //
Peter Schärer Treatment Planning Session
Moderators: Daniel Edelhoff, Jan-Frederik Güth
17:15-17:30 Case I Presentation
Speaker: Guido Fichera
17:30-18:20 Treatment Planning/Discussion
Panelists: Renato Cocconi, Alessandro Devigus, Petra Gierthmühlen, Ronnie Jung, Luc and Patrick Rutten
18:20-18:30 Presentation by the Case - Final Result
Speaker: Guido Fichera
18:30-18:45 Case II Presentation
Speaker: Francesco Mintrone
18:45-19:50 Treatment Planning/Discussion
Panelists: Renato Cocconi, Alessandro Devigus, Petra Gierthmühlen, Ronnie Jung, Luc and Patrick Rutten
19:50-20:00 Presentation by the Case - Final Result
Speaker: Francesco Mintrone
Friday, May 28th
16:00 -18:00 //
Digital Options in the Disciplines I
Moderators: Daniel Edelhoff, Jan-Frederik Güth
16:15-16:40 Digital Options in Endodontics
Speaker: Francesco Mannocci
16:40-17:05 Digital Options in Maxillo-Facial Surgery
Speaker: Florian Probst
17:05-18:00 Discussion
18:00 - 18:15 //
Coffee Break
18:15 - 20:00 //
Digital Options in the Disciplines II
Moderators: Daniel Edelhoff, Jan-Frederik Güth
18:15-18:40 Digital Options in Orthodontics
Speaker: Renato Cocconi
18:40-19:05 Digital Options in Implantology
Speaker: Alessandro Pozzi
19:05-20:00 Discussion
Saturday, May 29th
09:00 - 11:45 //
Digital Options in the Disciplines III
Moderators: Daniel Edelhoff, Jan-Frederik Güth
9:00-9:15 Introduction
9:15-9:40 Digital Options in Operative Dentistry
Speaker: Alessandro Devigus
9:40-10:05 Digital Options in Prosthetic Dentistry
Speaker: Sven Mühlemann
10:05-10:30 Digital Options in Dental Technology
Speaker: Luc and Patrick Rutten
10:30-11:45 Discussion